I cheated, I admit. Lately I couldn't paint daily as I promised -and actually did- before. Well, I have an excuse. A big one :) Better to tell it quick: I am expecting a baby! Moms know, in the beginning, you really feel tired, powerless. I fighted, but no, the bed won, I slept so many hours and skipped days without painting. Later energy kind of came back but then I got worried about the smell, the smell of paints and turps. Asked my doctor, told me to work with a medical mask. Believe me not easy, so I skipped some more days. It's sad to realize the decrease in the number of visitors when I don't paint daily. The truth is painting is the biggest joy of my life nowadays and I really want to keep it up. So I think I'm getting back to my old routine, so please join me in this journey again. I am hoping to welcome you everyday with a new painting here. Thanks for visiting!
Sozumde durmadim, her gun bir resim dedim, son gunlerde atladim. Ama buyuk bir mazeretim var: Hamileyim! Mujdeyi veremedim bunca zamandir, kolay degil, heyecanlaniyorum :) Anneler bilir, baslangicta buyuk yorgunluk oluyor; ne kadar savassam da uykuya yenildim, resimsiz gunler gecti. Sonra enerji biraz geri dondu, bu sefer kokulardan korktum, yagliboya kokusundan, tinerden. Doktoruma sordum, maskeyle calis dedi. Nasil zor anlatamam, bir kac gun de boyle gecti. O arada ziyaretci sayimin azaldigini gormek uzdu tabii, her gun resim yapmayinca, her gun ziyaretci gelmiyormus. Resim yaptikca mutluyum, devam edebilmek en buyuk arzum. Simdi biraz rutine girdim sanki. Bundan boyle yine sizi her gun yeni bir resimle karsilamak istiyorum. Ugradiginiz icin cok tesekkurler! (Kucuk bebek henuz bir limon kadarmis bu arada :)