Oil on canvas/18x24cm
If you'd like to purcahse this painting, please sen an email to yapincakokyar@yahoo.com
Amazing to see how many people visited the orange painting. It was also great to find so many emails with great comments in my mailbox. Thank you very much! Yes I enjoyed that challenge, too. And I think I'll be continuing to paint fruits in the next days. But I won't promise to do it very soon or everyday.
Coming to the painting of today, I can say that when I start struggling to find a subject matter and when it takes too long, I almost always end up painting the studio and the painter (probably myself?). Interesting, isn't it? Bruce Nauman comes to my mind. The video artist of the first generation, he picks scenes from his creative process and records them. The process becomes the work. I love those works. (Also I remember Goya's "Sleep of Reason" and the work I love done after the so-called graving by the legendary video artist Bill Viola. And Ingres' Cherubini and the Muse...). All-and more-depicting artists waiting for the muse or the struggle they have to find the muse.
So here, another composition with an artist in the studio. Remember the blue vase and the bowl, and the orange in front of the window? I had put a part of the easel next to the girl as well but then I liked this large emptiness in the composition. So, enjoy the screaming red.
Dunku portakal o kadar ziyaretci aldi ki diger sitede, anlatamam ve bir suru guzel email (arti burdaki guzel yorumlar). Hepinize cok tesekkurler! Meyva konusuna devam edecegim cunku ben de zevk aldim ama her gun veya hemen yarin yapacagim diye soz vermiyorum.
Konu bulamadigimda, bakiyorum donup dolasip vardigim nokta, ressam ve studyosu. Ressam ben olabilirim, sonucta en cok alisik oldugum figur, saclarim da benziyor. Ama onemli olan o degil, studyo halleri. Kaygili, dusunceli, yogun veya yorgun. Bruce Nauman aklima geliyor. Studyo hallerini ve yaratma surecini konu alarak videolar yapan sanatci. Studyoda aklina bir seyler gelmesini beklerken top saydirisi, kenarda duran kemanla tek ses calisi, son islerinde hayvanlarla dolu studyosunu 24 saat bir suru kamera ile kaydedisi. Sonra tabii Goya'nin gravuru var (Sleep of Reason) ve ona referansla yapilan harika video calismasi, imza: siirsel videolarin buyuk ismi Bill Viola. Bir de Ingres'in Cherubini ve Ilham Perisi aklima geliyor, ilham bekleyen bir besteciyi resmettigi. Bir tane de benden. Studyoda ressam. Gerci resim de yok, resim sehpasi da. Kizin yanina bir sovale (bir kismi) kondurmustum ama sonrasinda o genis bosluk hosuma gitti, sildim. Pencerenin onundeki vazoyu, kaseyi, ve meshur portakali hatirladiniz herhalde! Kirmizi cok bagiriyor, biliyorum. Oyle geldi icimden...
Coming to the painting of today, I can say that when I start struggling to find a subject matter and when it takes too long, I almost always end up painting the studio and the painter (probably myself?). Interesting, isn't it? Bruce Nauman comes to my mind. The video artist of the first generation, he picks scenes from his creative process and records them. The process becomes the work. I love those works. (Also I remember Goya's "Sleep of Reason" and the work I love done after the so-called graving by the legendary video artist Bill Viola. And Ingres' Cherubini and the Muse...). All-and more-depicting artists waiting for the muse or the struggle they have to find the muse.
So here, another composition with an artist in the studio. Remember the blue vase and the bowl, and the orange in front of the window? I had put a part of the easel next to the girl as well but then I liked this large emptiness in the composition. So, enjoy the screaming red.
Dunku portakal o kadar ziyaretci aldi ki diger sitede, anlatamam ve bir suru guzel email (arti burdaki guzel yorumlar). Hepinize cok tesekkurler! Meyva konusuna devam edecegim cunku ben de zevk aldim ama her gun veya hemen yarin yapacagim diye soz vermiyorum.
Konu bulamadigimda, bakiyorum donup dolasip vardigim nokta, ressam ve studyosu. Ressam ben olabilirim, sonucta en cok alisik oldugum figur, saclarim da benziyor. Ama onemli olan o degil, studyo halleri. Kaygili, dusunceli, yogun veya yorgun. Bruce Nauman aklima geliyor. Studyo hallerini ve yaratma surecini konu alarak videolar yapan sanatci. Studyoda aklina bir seyler gelmesini beklerken top saydirisi, kenarda duran kemanla tek ses calisi, son islerinde hayvanlarla dolu studyosunu 24 saat bir suru kamera ile kaydedisi. Sonra tabii Goya'nin gravuru var (Sleep of Reason) ve ona referansla yapilan harika video calismasi, imza: siirsel videolarin buyuk ismi Bill Viola. Bir de Ingres'in Cherubini ve Ilham Perisi aklima geliyor, ilham bekleyen bir besteciyi resmettigi. Bir tane de benden. Studyoda ressam. Gerci resim de yok, resim sehpasi da. Kizin yanina bir sovale (bir kismi) kondurmustum ama sonrasinda o genis bosluk hosuma gitti, sildim. Pencerenin onundeki vazoyu, kaseyi, ve meshur portakali hatirladiniz herhalde! Kirmizi cok bagiriyor, biliyorum. Oyle geldi icimden...
Aydan diyor ki : bir de" Lady in Red"yapsın(Senin kırmızılarına bayılıyor zaten).
Love the idea of adding the vase, bowl and orange. Good way of connecting the artist to the viewers. Sure enjoying the red as much as the contemporary colors of the background.
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