Sunday, December 10, 2006

Weekly Delights

Once you stop writing, it goes like that, silence. Creating my gallery in the site, I realized when all paintings put side by side with no distracting notes in between, it looks better like a real exhibition. So last week I said, fine, give a break, leave your thoughts aside, just show your paintings in your blog.
But...that's not me! I like sharing my inner thoughts and love getting feedback and comments. The interactiveness of the internet, how wonderful. By the way, I also have some great news for you. For technical (this is the word) reasons though, I can't tell what it is exactly-yet. A surprise. Starting the first week of the new year-hopefully, saturdays will be more fun. You may call it, weekly delights, added to my daily painting practice. Yet it's gonna be another challenge for me for sure. Wait and see ;)
I also want to leave a day in my blog for my favorite painters of the past and the present. I plan to add a painting and a couple of words about each. They deserve great admiration.
So, leaving three weeks behind already in this marathon, I must say I enjoy this working schedule so much. I've even started to enjoy the struggle of finding a theme. Now weekends are more fun wandering around, watching every detail of life with the eyes of an eagle, collecting themes for the coming days. It's unbelievable how differently I look to the world around me now. Perception of particular colors, awkward architectural elements, interest in light and shadows... All new for me, the new way of seeing.
Another week takes a start tomorrow. Wish me luck and thank you for coming back.
Insan yazmayinca yazmiyor.'daki galerimde (resmimi tikladiginizda zannedersem yonlendiriyor) tum resimleri yanyana, dikkat dagitici yazilar olmaksizin gormek hosuma gitti, bir sergi gibi. Ben de dedim ki, tamam bu hafta yazi olmasin, ardarda resimlerim olsun...
Olmadi. Cunku simdi anliyorum ki; ben icimi dokmekten zevk aliyorum, karsiliginda gelen mesajlar, yorumlar beni mutlu ediyor. Bu arada size bir mujdem var. Teknik sebeplerden dolayi hala netlesmedigi icin maalesef su an soyleyemeyecegim ama. Blogumda gunluk calismalarimin yaninda, haftalik surprizler de yapmayi dusunuyorum. Bana arti bir yuku olacagi kesin ve enerji sorunuyla nasil basederim bilmiyorum ama deneyecegim. Plan yeni yilin ilk haftasinda baslamak ve her cumartesi haftalik surprizleri devam ettirmek. Biraz sabir...
Bir de yine haftada bir gunu sevdigim ressamlara ayirmak istiyorum, resimlerini koyup bir iki de not dusebilirim belki. Iste boyle, kafamdaki bazi dusunceler.
Uc hafta ve 15 resmin ardindan diyebilirim ki, bu isi sevdim. Son zamanlarda konu arama stresi bile bir zevk halini aldi sanki. Haftasonlari sehirde dolasip, her seye baska gozle bakiyorum. Belirli renklerin beni kendine cektigini gormek, farkli mimari ya da formal elemanlara olan ilgimi kesfetmek, isik ve golgelerle daha kisisel iletisim kurdugumu farketmek benim icin yeni seyler. Baska turlu bakiyorum artik dunyaya galiba, ilginc.
Yarin yeni bir hafta basliyor, bana iyi sanslar, bakalim bu hafta neler cikacak? Ugradiginiz icin tesekkurler!


Anonymous said...

The blogs that are only paintings don't seem to do as well as the blogs where the artist share something of himself.

People want to connect with the person and the art.

Anonymous said...

I am reading this article second time today, you have to be more careful with content leakers. If I will fount it again I will send you a link